The Guaranteed Backup Contract program by Home Sale Assured provides Realtors and lenders with a tool to create more and happier clients buying and selling their homes. Here are 4 reasons to encourage your client to use Home Sale Assured to buy their next home before they sell their current home:
Remove the time crunch pressure
Buyers under pressure are more likely to make hasty decisions they will regret later. Buyers who must be out of their homes by a certain date will settle for a home they don’t love in a market with limited inventory. Knowing they have 90 days after they buy their current home in which to sell their departing home, buyers can ensure they wait to find the perfect home to buy.
Remove the home sale contingency
Buyers need to retain as much buying power leverage as they can in this market. With Home Sale Assured, buyers can remove their home sale contingency and make stronger offers.

Compete with all cash buyers
With Home Sale Assured, buyers can get fully approved to finance their new purchase before making their offer-leaving a home inspection as the only remaining contingency-putting them on equal footing with all cash buyers.
Client’s expectations
Your most critical role is managing your client’s expectations around the sales price of their existing home. When your client partners with Home Sale Assured, they are making a commitment to use you to sell their home to the highest offer within 90 days of buying their new home. This commitment creates a sense of urgency to price the home right and get it sold timely.
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